If it won't be simple, it simply won't be. [Hire me, source code] by Miki Tebeka, CEO, 353Solutions

Thursday, July 17, 2008


#!/usr/bin/env python
'''Find out who is listening on a port'''

from os import popen
from os.path import isdir
import re

is_int = re.compile("\d+").match

def find_pid(port):
for line in popen("netstat -nlp 2>&1"):
match = re.search(":(%s)\\s+" % port, line)
if not match:

pidname = line.split()[-1].strip()
return pidname.split("/")[0]

return None

def find_cmdline(pid):
cmd = open("/proc/%s/cmdline" % pid, "rb").read()

return " ".join(cmd.split(chr(0)))

def find_pwd(pid):
data = open("/proc/%s/environ" % pid, "rb").read()
for line in data.split(chr(0)):
if line.startswith("PWD"):
return line.split("=")[1]

return None

def main(argv=None):
if argv is None:
import sys
argv = sys.argv

from optparse import OptionParser

parser = OptionParser("usage: %prog PORT")
opts, args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
if len(args) != 1:
parser.error("wrong number of arguments") # Will exit

port = args[0]
pid = find_pid(port)
if not (pid and is_int(pid)):
raise SystemExit(
"error: can't find who listens on port %s"
" [try again with sudo?] " % port)

if not isdir("/proc/%s" % pid):
raise SystemExit("error: can't find information on pid %s" % pid)

pwd = find_pwd(pid) or "<unknown>"
print "%s (pid=%s, pwd=%s)" % (find_cmdline(pid), pid, pwd)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Note: This does not work on OSX (no /proc and different netstat api)

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